Slit Seeding:
This is typically done by a Landscaper who will rent a machine.
Request that they seed in one direction and then another pass crossing over the previous pass.
Top Dressing & Over Seeding:
(Very Effective)
Loosen up existing soil with a rigid rake.
Install ¼” – ½” of pulverized top soil over the entire area to be seeded.
Spread seed evenly with a hand-held spreader. (Battery operated is best. Home Depot sells one called “The Wiz”).
Drag a leaf rake across the soil to set seed into soil.
Cover entire area with a thin layer of peat moss which will help maintain moisture.
Double Core Aeration w/ Top Dressing & Over Seeding:
A Landscaper will core the lawn 2 times, making sure to cross over on 2nd pass.
Then a thin layer of 50% topsoil / 50% peat moss is “top dressed” across the entire lawn (about ½” thick).
Seed is then spread over the top of the soil mix.
Core Aeration & Over Seeding:
(Least Effective)
Same as above without the top dressing.
Spot Seeding:
Install 50% top soil / 50% peat moss mix about ¼” to ½” thick.
Spread seed and be careful to not “clump” a bunch of seed in one spot, it must be evenly spread out.
Drag a leaf rake across the seeded area one time to set seed into soil.